The ionic grating has a longer lifetime both in dark and under readout illumination , so nonvolatile storage comes true 在以后的暗保存或者光读出状态,这种离子光栅能较长久地保持稳定,实现非易失性存储。
The calculation result shows that , by using single fixing for multiple storage , the storage capability declines inevitably as nonvolatile storage has been realized . however , enhancing nonvolatile storage capability of a given storage system is possible by using batch thermal fixing scheme with a proper number of batches 结果表明,采用多重全息存储的单次热固定技术,在实现非易失性多重全息存储同时,不可避免地降低了系统存储能力;而采用适当分批存储热固定技术,可以在实现非易失性存储的前提下提高原存储系统的存储能力。
This thesis is aimed at building up a compact high - density holographic storage system with thermal fixing function to make the nonvolatile storage technology practical . this system uses mainly post - recording fixing technique that involves recording at room temperature , fixing at elevated temperature , and developing at room temperature 小型实用的高密度全息存储热固定系统以实用性为目的,主要针对热固定方法中的记录后补偿方式(即室温记录,高温定影,再室温显影) ,从两个方面开展研究设计。
nonvolatile storageとは意味:不揮発性記憶装置{ふきはつ せい きおく そうち} nonvolatile storage meaning:[Electronics] A computer storage medium in which the data does not require a source of power to be retained. Examples: MAGNETIC DISK, MAGNETIC TAPE, and COMPACT-DISK READ-ONLY MEMORY. nonvolatile storage перевод:энергонезависимое запоминающее устройство, запоминающее устройство с сохранением информации при выключении (электро-)питания